My #1 Toxic Trait

We all have that one toxic trait we jokingly own up to, and mine? I throw everything away. Like, everything. I don’t care if it’s something that has been in the family for decades, a cool souvenir I bought while traveling, or even that trendy gadget I thought I needed—I will toss it out without a second thought.

I get it. Some people are sentimental. They love to hang on to stuff as if it’s a time capsule of memories, and hey, that’s totally fine. But for me? Clutter is the enemy, and keeping things “just because” feels like an emotional anchor. It’s almost like the minute something stops serving a purpose in my life, it’s up for grabs by the trash can.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “What about sentimental value? What about memories?” To that, I say—memories are in my head (and sometimes in my camera roll), not in the random stuff collecting dust on my shelf.

Here’s where it gets funny. I’m the friend who thinks, “You haven’t used this in months, so… why do you still have it?” So, if you let me anywhere near your clutter, trust me, I’ll try to convince you to part ways with it. Honestly, my inner minimalist rejoices every time I declutter, and there’s something so freeing about having fewer things weighing me down.

Of course, there are limits. I don’t just walk into someone’s house and throw away their stuff (I promise, I’m not that rude). But when it comes to my own things? Nothing is safe. At the end of the day, this “toxic trait” of mine has turned into a weird superpower. It’s the secret to my organized life, free from all the unnecessary chaos.

But hey, it’s not all bad, right? Less stuff means more space for new memories and experiences—ones that don’t need a physical item to hold on to.

So, here’s my question: Are you a sentimental saver, or do you secretly share my love for tossing things away?